Pigmented lesions (spots, melasma, benign lesions)

Pigmented lesions (spots, melasma, benign lesions)

Pigmented lesions

When is picosecond laser treatment indicated for melasma-type spots on the face?
Melasma-type skin blemishes consist of the accumulation of the pigment melanin and have an evolution over time. Early in melasma, the pigment is in the keratinocytes in the epidermis (epidermal melasma), and then over time, the pigment accumulates in the dermis (dermal melasma) or both (mixed melasma).

The sooner we treat melasma, the better since it will be more superficial and will respond better to treatment.

The laser that emits its light in picoseconds is the most innovative and advanced for benign pigmentation problems such as melasma, solar lentigines, nevus of Ota and café-au-lait spots, among others.

This technological novelty for tattoo removal treatment has very recently incorporated protocols with parameters that are used to treat melasma-type pigmentation problems. Thus, we destroy the brown pigment of the stains, with the same mechanism with which we fragment the ink particles of a tattoo. Progressively in several sessions we leave the skin without spots or with more attenuated spots and with a more uniform tone.

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Pigmented lesions (spots, melasma, benign lesions)

Pigmented lesions (spots, melasma, benign lesions)

Pigmented lesions

When is picosecond laser treatment indicated for melasma-type spots on the face?
Melasma-type skin blemishes consist of the accumulation of the pigment melanin and have an evolution over time. Early in melasma, the pigment is in the keratinocytes in the epidermis (epidermal melasma), and then over time, the pigment accumulates in the dermis (dermal melasma) or both (mixed melasma).

The sooner we treat melasma, the better since it will be more superficial and will respond better to treatment.

The laser that emits its light in picoseconds is the most innovative and advanced for benign pigmentation problems such as melasma, solar lentigines, nevus of Ota and café-au-lait spots, among others.

This technological novelty for tattoo removal treatment has very recently incorporated protocols with parameters that are used to treat melasma-type pigmentation problems. Thus, we destroy the brown pigment of the stains, with the same mechanism with which we fragment the ink particles of a tattoo. Progressively in several sessions we leave the skin without spots or with more attenuated spots and with a more uniform tone.

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