Alicia Machado becomes a new ‘arrangement’ and shows her results


Alicia Machado is one of the most successful public figures who made the Miss Universe beauty pageant known, which is preparing its grand finale next Saturday and like a queen, the star seeks her aesthetic care.

Through her Instagram account, Alicia shared a video in which she showed her visit to the aesthetic doctor, who made a little arrangement to increase the volume of her lips and make them asymmetrical.

“Always Beautiful, always Queen, the talented Alicia Machado @machadooficial stopped by our consultation at Galan Aesthetic to get a little touch-ups. I hope you enjoy the video of La’s passage in our facilities, ”said the specialist on her Instagram account.

After showing how she underwent a treatment in which Dr. Galán first applied a little anesthesia to the area, and then proceeded to inject fillers with a thin injection.

Finally, the public figure dedicated a thank you message: “The best forever, I love you.”

Extracted from the news:

Alicia Machado se hace nuevo ‘arreglito’ y muestra resultados (

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