Dr. Galán is number one in aesthetic medicine for Latin celebrities


He has dedicated a large part of his professional practice to fighting the signs of aging using the latest trends available and approved in the market.

Dr. Galán has become one of the main doctors with up-to-date and top-of-the-range aesthetic medicine in the city of Miami, who has served in advising and treating various public figures.

The expert wanted to share his valuable experience in this field with the national and international media and give some advice that will help us delay the biological clock regardless of our age, and revealing some of the secrets that he personally applies to show off a radiant face.

Dr. Galán was born in Cuba and is currently based in the United States since 2010. Today he specializes in non-invasive aesthetic procedures and anti-aging techniques in his beautiful facility “Galan Aesthetics” Dr. Galán tells us how he came to be the favorite of many Miami artists and what are their new treatments and advice for the stars.

After sharing some tips to take care of the skin and help prevent aging, he also revealed that he has attended some celebrities such as Mirtha Medina, Fedro and many others who have joined the list and that we will reveal later. There are many calls that arrive daily at the clinic seeking skin care advice. By taking care of ourselves from an early age, we do our image a favor and over time we will know how to be grateful.

When and when did you specialize in skin care and beauty topics?

The interest in this specialty began recently, two years ago and believe me, it was something that came into my life to stay. I was captivated in this wonderful field of aesthetics and anti-aging. I took academic courses at Empire Medical Training and later became certified in aesthetics and anti-aging with the American Academy of Medical Procedures, acronym in English A.A.O.P.N. Professional improvement and enrichment are an inherent part of my personal life and that makes me happy and fulfilled professionally. That is why I do not stop studying or improving myself, my patients deserve it.

What medical certifications do you have?


What technology and procedures do you use on your patients?

The type of technology and procedures to be performed vary depending on the reason for consultation in each of my patients. My line of work is fundamentally focused on patient education. This aspect is of vital importance so that they understand everything related to the treatment. I do not intend to enrich your language with medical endings, much less gorge yourself on content, concepts, etc., but yes, feel confident, do not fear! That together we discuss and find the best option. At Galan Aesthetics we use a variety of procedures, to name a few (injections with neurotoxins (botox, xeomin, dysport); dermal fillers depending on the anatomical area to be treated (volume increase in lips, cheeks, chins, neck, hands, correction of dark circles, furrows nasogenians, jaw line definition; tensor threads (in all its variety); Pixel 8-RF (microneedle and radiofrequency system); platelet-rich plasma; double chin correction (Kybella); carboxytherapy; laser; acne; skin care (skin ceuticals); chemical peels; sclerotherapy; intravenous nutrition; male erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation; bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (women) and hormone replacement therapy in men; gynecological aesthetics; etc.

Laughter… you ask me a question that violates a privacy oath that each patient signs when they arrive at the consultation, the names that I will mention, I do so with their consent. I have worked with some celebrities who agree to be mentioned and who share my procedures on their social networks (Mirtha Medina, Fedro, Patricia Alejandra Caminitti. I have also attended other important artists who for personal reasons do not want to be mentioned in the procedures.

Do you remember who was the first famous person you worked with?

It was a pleasant experience, believe me, I was very young when my mother in Cuba listened to her music and having her in the office made me relive unforgettable childhood moments. What Cuban has not enjoyed the interpretations of Mirtha Medina?

They ask me for many treatments, each one has its indication and magic, I don’t want to pigeonhole myself in a random order, but without a doubt Botox, dermal fillers, thread lifts, platelet-rich plasma and male erectile dysfunction along with replacement of hormones.

Do you approve of the use of Botox for the skin?

There is a beauty treatment that, in my opinion, despite the fact that there are still taboos regarding its use, is the key to keeping us young and it is what we know as Botox. Although the correct thing is to say botulinum toxin because Botox, like Dysport or Xeomin, is the manufacturer’s brand. This substance has the ability to control the movement of certain facial muscles and prevent wrinkles from forming,” said the star beautician.

Dr. Galán also assumes that he uses Botox and is satisfied with the result. “I personally have been using it for a long time and I am convinced that it was the right decision. Of course, the success of this or any other treatment lies in the amount and application technique, so I recommend starting with small amounts in key areas such as the forehead and between the eyebrows and modifying the dose and the areas to be treated as the problem arises. need”.

What advice will you keep giving your patients about skin care?

Daily use of sunscreen, gentle and adequate cleansing of the skin, use of creams that strengthen hydration, moisturizing creams according to skin type, drinking plenty of water, not smoking, sleeping between 7-8 hours, controlling stress, maintaining a healthy diet. All this summarizing a way and healthy lifestyle.

What is the most innovative of your treatments and ingredients that you use

I think that the most innovative thing would be related to the treatment that is given to the patient. I can tell you without a doubt that the treatment for erectile dysfunction and gynecological aesthetics is revolutionizing every day.

The field of aesthetics and anti-aging is growing by leaps and bounds and with it, the countless medical treatments. At Galan Aesthetics we use top-of-the-line products approved by the FDA from recognized brands such as Allergan, Garlderma, Merz, Skin Ceuticals, Viola, Eclipse, Biote, among others.

At the end of the interview, the doctor told us:

“I feel very grateful to the editorial team of UNO LA REVISTA LEFERAS™ for publishing my interview and doing an excellent photography job. I am also happy to appear as the cover of the month of August in such a prestigious medium. An interesting Magazine that has given press coverage to important public figures of entertainment”

Extraído desde la fuente:

El doctor Galán es el número uno en la medicina estética de las celebridades latinas | Contrapunto.com

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